
Our trainers draw on Women’s Legal Service Victoria’s more than 40 years of working with women with legal issues arising from family violence and relationship breakdown.

Our training is evidence-informed and draws on best practice, as well as our practical on the ground experience working with women.

Delivered online or in-person, our training builds the capacity of lawyers and other justice system practitioners, family violence practitioners and other professionals to better support family violence victim-survivors to get the legal and social support they need.

We share invaluable knowledge of the law, government policies, evidence-based research, as well as our practical on the ground experience working with women. 

We can tailor courses to suit the needs of professionals and organisations across the not-for profit and community sector, as well as private business, government, and other organisations. Get in touch

Who we have worked with:

  • Relationships Australia
  • Law Institute of Victoria
  • Orange Door
  • Court Services Network
  • Financial Counsellors Australia
  • Victoria’s Department of Justice
  • Victoria Legal Aid.

Safer families training for community legal centre lawyers to provide high quality, effective legal assistance and representation to clients experiencing family violence across relevant jurisdictions.

A woman in her early 30s explains something to a client who is sitting across from her. She looks passionate about what she is saying.

Practical training for family violence practitioners and community services practitioners to identify legal issues and respond appropriately to clients’ needs.

Close up of a person sitting at a desk typing on a laptop

Our Case Notes and the Law e-learn will strengthen skills to write and maintain case notes. The training takes a legal lens and equips practitioners with an understanding and awareness of the legal implications of case notes.