Governments must match words with funding for family violence support

Urgent additional government funding for life-saving and life-changing legal assistance to victim-survivors of family and sexual violence is nowhere to be found in the 2024 Victorian budget papers.

Listen to our CEO Claudia’s chat with ABC’s Victoria Statewide Mornings program. 

Community legal centres work with thousands of women each year to deal with the many legal issues that come from family violence, like agreeing to safely look after children, organising a new visa or living arrangements and making sure the bills are paid fairly and the bank accounts are split fairly.

Our social workers, lawyers and financial counsellors work with women in court and deal with police, child protection, Centrelink, creditors and our immigration system.

Women’s legal services across the country are forced to turn away 1000 women each week.

Around 39% of women in Victoria have experienced physical or sexual violence since the age of 15.

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