Expressions of Interest open to fill much-needed gaps in family law legal help

As we all know, there is a high level of demand for end-to-end family law services especially for low or no cost family law services. 

Establishing family law practices and building the family law capacity of the community legal assistance sector will lead to better outcomes for clients who experience barriers to accessing justice and services.  

The successful Family Law Access pilot – a collaboration between Women’s Legal Service Victoria, Barwon Community Legal Service, Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre and WEstJustice – showed how a collaborative approach supports delivery of high quality, holistic family law services for clients who are at risk of missing out on legal help.  

The Family Law Capacity Building Program will support a further five community legal centres to build high quality and comprehensive family law practices.  

Community legal centres wanting to build a comprehensive family law practice can submit an expression of interest.  

Further information about the role of Women’s Legal in the project and the commitment required from community legal centres to participate in the program is detailed in the Expression of Interest Form.  

What does the program involve?  

The program supports capacity building of community legal centre lawyers as well as providing support to Principal or Managing Lawyers to supervise family law casework and litigation.  

Women’s Legal will deliver a learning and development package comprised of training sessions, a community of practice, casework supervision, shadowing, and secondary consultations.  

Key dates  

Expressions of interest close 26 October 2023.  

If you have questions about the program, or would like to request an Expression of Interest Form  contact Amy Schwebel (Director, Education and Engagement)  

The Family Law Capacity Building Program is made possible by funding from the Commonwealth Government Attorney General’s Department.

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